I have been teaching Yoga and Mindfulness to primary and secondary school pupils with special needs in the Bournemouth and Dorset area. I have also been working in SEMH Schools and Pupil Referral Units. Conditions range from ADHD to Autistic Spectrum Conditions, developmental delay, Down Syndrome, cognitive disability, physical disability, and social, emotional and mental health difficulties. The classes are taught in groups or on a one-to-one basis.
I have also taught young adults with Profound Multiple Learning Disabilities and I run a weekly class for adults with special needs in the Lantern Community in Ringwood.
“Anya, I just wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for my pupils this year.
Your Yoga sessions have helped them learn to be reflective of the self, how to love and care for themselves and how to regulate the physical and emotional self.”
“Yoga is really relaxing and is good for getting active as you can stretch your muscles and become flexible. It is good to be relaxed, so that’s why I like it. In the sessions there is a nice, calm atmosphere and it’s fun.
I usually work one-to-one with pupils in specialist settings, but where appropriate, small group sessions are also offered.
I also offer Training for Schools in Yoga and Mindfulness for Classrooms as well as Yoga, Deep Relaxation and/or Mindfulness for Staff.
Private sessions can take place in my Yoga space or at the person’s home. Where appropriate, parents are invited to participate in the sessions.
Improved self-awareness, emotionally, mentally and physically
Improved emotional self-regulation and behaviour
Improved self-esteem and confidence
Reduced anxiety and tension
Reduced depression and fatigue
Reduced anger and improved anger management
Reduced hyperactivity
Reduced stress and improved stress management
Enhanced focus, attention, concentration, comprehension and memory
Improved general study and exam results
Improved sense of well-being
Improved confidence and self-esteem